About E-DOORs
The East African Rift presents complex environmental and human dynamics, especially in the western province of Rwanda where four systems interact

The Nyiragongo volcano, and its hazards, including surface lava flows towards the populated towns of Goma (DRC) and Gisenyi (Rwanda), the subsurface propagation of magma from the volcanic edifice to beneath Lake Kivu and the continuous emission of ash plumes from the crater lake
The Lake Kivu in the context of a potential so-called CO2-CH4-gas-driven limnic eruption and its CH4 reservoir exploitation

The quality and biodiversity of volcanic soils (andisols) and other soils affected by volcanic ash fall out are key factors in agriculture but also in Human Health. In particular the bioweathering of volcanic rock and ashes, and the their weathering nanoparticulate output are investigated with regards to the development of soil-induced diseases such as podoconiosis, an endemic disease prevalent in Western Rwanda

The communities depending on agriculture and fishing while facing health and environmental issues.
These four systems have major interaction signals. Yet these are poorly known. Studying these relationships in an integrated approach in order to fill the knowledge gap on the sustainability of Western Rwanda, thus targeting SDGs 3, 4, 11 and 1, is the ultimate goal.

Integration Risk/Health/Land Use
E-DOOR will use complementing approaches to pursue fours topics

These four systems have major interaction signals. Yet these are poorly known. Studying these relationships in an integrated approach in order to fill the knowledge gap on the sustainability of Western Rwanda, thus targeting SDGs 3, 4, 11 and 1, is the ultimate goal. E-DOOR will use complementing approaches to pursue five objectives